
Obs2Org is a cross platform command (works on *BSD, Linux, OS X and Windows) line program to convert Obsidian style Markdown files to Org-Mode files for Emacs and other Editors that support Org-Mode.

It converts the Markdown files using Pandoc and afterwards corrects the links to headings in other Org-Mode files, converts the hash-tag style Obsidian tags to Org-Mode style tags and puts angle brackets around dates.


Obs2Org converts a Markdown file like to following:

title: "Programming"
  - Programming
  - Programming
lang: en
# Programming

Keywords: #Programming

## Lisp

### Books

Keywords: #Lisp, #Book

- Lisp Cookbook, 'recipies' to solve common problems using Lisp: [[Books#Lisp Cookbook]]
- **Peter Seibel**: *Practical Common Lisp*: [[Books#Practical Common Lisp]]
- **Peter Norvig**: *Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp*: [[Books#Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming]]

### State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020


Keywords: #Lisp, #Ecosystem, #2020

Editors, libraries, compilers, ...
[State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020](https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020/#development)

to the following Org-Mode file:

#+title: Programming

* Programming              :Programming:
  :CUSTOM_ID: programming

* Lisp
   :CUSTOM_ID: lisp

*** Books   :Lisp:Book:
    :CUSTOM_ID: bücher-1

- Lisp Cookbook, 'recipies' to solve common problems using Lisp: [[file:Books.org::#lisp-cookbook][Lisp Cookbook]]
- *Peter Seibel*: /Practical Common Lisp/: [[file:Books.org::#practical-common-lisp][Practical Common Lisp]]
- *Peter Norvig*: /Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp/: [[file:Books.org::#paradigms-of-artificial-intelligence-programming][Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming]]

*** State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020   :Lisp:Ecosystem:2020:
    :CUSTOM_ID: state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020
Editors, libraries, compilers, ... [[https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/state-of-the-common-lisp-ecosystem-2020/#development][State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020]]

See Installation and Usage for information on how to do that.

The PyPI (pip) package can be found at Obs2Org at PyPI

Additional Documentation can be found at Read the Docs



Pandoc is needed to do the actual conversion of Markdown files to Org-Mode files.

See Installing pandoc on how to install Pandoc for your OS.


Python, at Least Version 3.9

The PyPI Obs2Org Package

Install the PyPI (pip) package obs2org for all users on your computer as administrator/root:

  • Linux, OS X:

    sudo pip install obs2org
  • Windows:

    Open an administrator shell by writing cmd in the search field of the taskbar, ricght click on the command app and select “Run as Adminsitrator”. in this shell execute:

    pip install obs2org


Use Obs2Org by running it as a normal user (not administrator or root) as Python module using

  • Linux, OSX:

    python3 -m obs2org --version
  • Windows

    python -m obs2org --version

This should yield the version string like

> python -m obs2org --version
obs2org 1.0.0

To get a text explaining the usage of Obs2Org, use the argument --help or the short form -h:


python -m obs2org --help

Linux, OS X:

python3 -m obs2org --help


> python -m obs2org --help

usage: python -m obs2org [-h] [-V] [-p PANDOC] [-o OUT_PATH] [MARKDOWN_FILES ...]

Converts markdown formatted files to Org-Mode formatted files using Pandoc.

positional arguments:
  MARKDOWN_FILES        The path to the markdown files or directory to convert to


These examples only work if Pandoc is in the PATH of your shell. If it isn’t you can add the path to Pandoc by using the argument --pandoc or -p.

To set the path to Pandoc to c:/pandoc/pandoc add --pandoc c:/pandoc/pandoc or -p c:/pandoc/pandoc to each invocation of Obs2Org.


python -m obs2org ./Markdown ../Org --pandoc c:/pandoc/pandoc
  1. current directory

    python -m obs2org

    Which is the same as

    python -m obs2org ./

    Converts all markdown files with a suffix of .md in the current working directory and all its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with the same base filename but a .org suffix.

  2. one file

    python -m obs2org hugo.md -o sepp.org

    Converts the markdown document hugo.md to an Org-Mode document named sepp.org.

  3. all files with extension .md

    python -m obs2org *.md

    Converts all markdown files with a suffix of .md in the current working directory to files in Org-Mode format with the same base filename but a .org suffix.

  4. convert files to given directory

    python -m obs2org *.md ../Org

    Converts all markdown files with a suffix of .md in the current working directory to files in Org-Mode format with the same base filename but a .org suffix in the directory ../Org.

  5. convert files in given directory to other directory

    python -m obs2org ./Markdown ../Org

    Converts all markdown files with a suffix of .md in the directory ./Markdown and its subdirectories to files in Org-Mode format with the same base filename but a .org suffix in the directory ../Org.